Uraganul Helene a slăbit în intensitate şi a devenit o furtună tropicală vineri, la câteva ore după ce a atins uscatul în Florida, în sud-e4estul Statelor Unite, anunţă meteorologii americani, relatează AFP.
Hurricane Helene went from a Category 1 to a Category 4 storm in 12 hours. It became the strongest-ever hurricane to make landfall in Florida’s Big Bend area. It is still a strong hurricane as it now enters Georgia.
I’m not saying this happened because of climate change but…
— Brian Krassenstein (@krassenstein)
The fire department rescued this family on Bohler Road in Atlanta. They had climbed on top of their vehicle with their baby in order to escape the water.
Latest: At least 900,000 without power as Helene pummels Georgia; 3 deaths reported
— Stephanie Lamm (@stephanierlamm)
”Helene slăbeşte şi devine o furtună tripicală în timp ce traversează uscatul, deasupra Georgiei”, un stat care se învecinează cu Florida, anunţă într-un buletin Centrul Naţional american al Uraganelor (NHC).
A Fox News reporter is helping a female escape her car from high waters in Atlanta, Georgia
— Fast News Network (@fastnewsnet)