„The funded projects will revolutionise the way healthcare services are delivered: from the use of artificial intelligence for rapid diagnosis, to advanced technologies for personalised treatments and the production of innovative medicines. Thus, hospitals, research centres and healthcare companies will be able to speed up the implementation of technologies that will streamline the healthcare system and improve patients’ lives,” Minister of European Investment and Projects Marcel Bolos is quoted as saying in a press statement released by his ministry MIPE.
Funding applications can be submitted between February 28, 2025 and August 29, 2025 through the MySMIS 2021 system.
The European Union has launched the Strategic Technologies Platform for Europe (STEP) to support the European industry and boost investment in critical technologies in Europe such as digital technologies and deep-tech innovation, clean and resource-efficient technologies, and biotechnologies.
Specifically, the following will be financed: applied research, development/production of critical technologies, and also the infrastructure needed for their development. Moreover, the beneficiaries will be able to build research centres, production lines for critical medicines, provided that they are justified by project objectives. The investments will include both construction works, equipping and infrastructure necessary to carry out research activities. Also, the projects must be in line with the areas of smart specialisation and contribute to the development of research and innovation capacities.
The funds are intended for SMEs, large enterprises, research organisations, public healthcare units and institutions carrying out research activities, stimulating collaboration between the private and public sectors for the development of projects with real impact in the field of healthcare.
The maximum value of a funded project will be EUR 100 million within the limit of the projects submitted under the call for ideas for STEP projects carried out by MIPE between May and June 2024.
Only projects that derive from the 11 ideas of fundable projects meeting the requirements of the STEP will be funded: submitted by Antibiotice Iasi, Biofarm, Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest University Emergency Hospital, Clinical Hospital of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Osteoarticular Tuberculosis, Elias University Emergency Hospital, Dimitrie Gerota Emergency Hospital, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, National University of Science and Technology Polytechnic Bucharest, National Institute of Chemical-Pharmaceutical Research and Development and Macta Clinic Constanta.