Cel puţin şapte civili au fost ucişi, iar alte trei persoane au fost rănite marţi în apropierea unei pieţe din centrul Hersonului, un oraş mare în sudul Ucrainei situat în apropierea liniei frontului, anunţă parchetul regional, relatează AFP.
Meanwhile, Russians shelled a grocery market in downtown Kherson this morning.
It was done in the busiest hours when so many people came over to buy food for their families… and then Russian artillery fired.
At least 7 confirmed dead as of now.
— Illia Ponomarenko (@IAPonomarenko)
”Trei femei şi patru bărbaţi” au fost ucişi în acest atac de artilerie, anunţă parchetul.

The Russian forces have insidiously attacked the center of the city of Kherson. So far, we know of six civilians killed and six more wounded. The aggressor cynically targeted places where many civilians gather: near the city market and a public transport stop.
According to…
— Andriy Kostin (@AndriyKostinUa)

Alte trei persoane au fost rănite, potrivit parchetului.