Tourism development strategy, approved by Gov’t, aims to attract tourists with above-average budgets

The goal of the strategy is for Romania to become a „well-known, high-quality, year-round tourist destination, focused on the uniqueness” of its cultural and natural heritage.

„There are two general strategic objectives: that of increasing the share of tourism in the economy, but also supporting the creation of jobs through the sustainable development of tourism, with several specific objectives, I would also say that of attracting tourists who have an above-average budget, of increasing the number of nights spent in Romania, with the development of all types of tourism in Romania, from that which is given by the summer seasons on the coast, from winter tourism for ski resorts, to cultural or business tourism, including this part of event tourism”, explained the Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Radu Oprea.

Another objective is the continuation of the tourist offer on the coast, including during the winter, for the organization of conferences.

The tourism promotion program will continue to be focused on countries with „potential”, such as Great Britain, France, Germany or Italy.


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